Mike C wrote:
Mike C wrote:
Chuck wrote:
I am having a problem with Seamonkey clearing out of memory after
I have a CPU monitor and can see it using 100% for over 2 minutes after
I cannot restart it without going to Task Manager and killing it during
those 2+ minutes.
Any suggestions?
 From a previous post: (6/14/2013)

It may be that SeaMonkey didn't shut down properly on some
occasion. If that happens, a file called 'parent.lock' is created,
which prevents another instance of SeaMonkey from running.

With SeaMonkey closed, locate the SeaMonkey 1.x profile, you should
find it here:

C:\Documents & Settings\<Your Windows User Name>\Application

Where 'xxxxxxxx' is a random eight-character string.

The file 'parent.lock', if present, should be in the folder
'xxxxxxxx.slt', if it is delete it. You should then find that you
will no longer get the message that SeaMonkey is still running and
you should be able to run SeaMonkey 2.7. Note that SeaMonkey 2.8 is
now available, so I would suggest installing that, rather than

This fixed it for me back then.

Mike C
Ignore where SM 2.7 and SM 2.8 is mentioned on my previous post.

What about the "locate the SeaMonkey 1.x profile"?

I'm running Linux on this machine and have a foreign-language Windows anyway so names may be slightly off, but . . . Typing "%appdata%" (without those double-quotes) into the "run program" field starts the data-manager in the "Application Data" directory mentioned above. This works under XP and Win7, no idea about other versions. Having said that, I have never found it necessary to delete that .lock file but Mike C obviously has.
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