Interviewed by CNN on 14/02/2014 09:05, Trane Francks told the world:

> Certainly, this does not incriminate SeaMonkey. Human's can easily 
> decipher the difference between v2.8 vs. v2.08. Every contemporary file 
> system/operating system will, however, return a sort that indicates the 
> two are not the same.

Still... a version numbering scheme that satisfies naive OS sorting
algorithms and is future-proof to a high level of certainty would demand
padding each number group to three digits(*). Also, since a few OSs at
least attempt to right-align numbers before sorting (recent versions of
Windows come to mind), you would have to fill the less significant
digits with zeros.

So, a first prototype proof-of-concept (say, what sane people would call
version 0.0.1) would have to be expanded into:

Which is sorta pretentious ("dude, do you really think your little
project will last long enough to hit version 99?") and hard to read.
That looks more like an IPv4 address than a version number.

Overall, I find the issue silly. Trying to design a numbering scheme to
outsmart naive sorting algorithms is sorta like writing HTML to the
browser bugs, instead of using something that makes sense.

Myself, I think Firefox/Gecko should have moved to a Ubuntu-like
year.month numbering scheme around version 12 (when the transition could
have been made smoothly); it's less confusing for a rapid-release
project. But that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was missed. It might
still happen, but now the transition would be less smooth.

Currently I think that Seamonkey should skip a couple version numbers in
order to align with Gecko versions (and Firefox). This would also reduce
confusion. But evidently not everybody agrees with me,

(*) No, three digits is certainly not overkill. Chrome has already gone
through one-third of the available two-digit major version number;
Firefox is close behind. A v.100 browser is not an unreasonable
possibility. Same for Seamonkey and minor version numbers.


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