Interviewed by CNN on 06/03/2014 23:09, William Brown told the world:
> Windows7, SM 2.24.
> I was happily memorizing usernames and passwords with SeaMonkey.
> I have F-Secure Internet Security.  They sent me an email saying they 
> had a new free product (F-Secure Key) that they said would store my 
> passwords in encrypted form.  I misread it to say that it would also 
> store data (I've been looking for a way to store my credit card 
> information securely)  So I installed it.  Alas, it only stores 
> passwords and user names, and has some language problems (it kept 
> requesting my bank password, I entered what I and my bank call my 
> password, but it was rejected.  Eventually, I realized they wanted my 
> PIN, bur only after being locked out of my bank.  Due to too many 
> similar problems, I uninstalled F-Secure Key.

I would suggest KeePass for storing your more critical passwords. It's
free, GPL-licensed, uses strong crypto, is regularly maintained and has
been around for years, so it's fairly well-tested too.


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