On 3/15/2014 9:03 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> Windows 7 (x64)
>> SeaMonkey/2.24
>> This whole thread puzzles me.  Since tabbed browsing was introduced as
>> an inherent feature in SeaMonkey (not via an extension), I have not seen
>> any change in how tabs are closed.  There is an X at the far right of
>> the tab bar that, when selected, closes the current tab.  By "current",
>> I mean the tab whose content is in the view port (window).
>> I much prefer this over having an X on each tab, as Thunderbird has.
>> With my old eyes and hands, an X on each tab means I might close a tab
>> when I really wanted to select and view the tab to its right.
>> I have no red X.  I do have a white X in a red button, but that stops
>> the currently loading page from rendering.
> Sure you do, at the top right corner of every Windows 7 application, 
> including SeaMonkey. (Well, actually, it's a white X on a red tile, but 
> let's not be too picky).

No, that is a black X on a gray button.  That is for closing the window.
 Immediately to its left is the button to change the window between
full-screen and "normal".  Immediately to the left of that is the button
that minimizes the window to the taskbar.  Each of these is a black
symbol on a gray button.

Of course, I have tweaked Windows 7 to make it look somewhat like
Windows XP.  I think the default appearance of Windows 7 is hideous.
But none of that is a SeaMonkey issue.


David E. Ross

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