Ray Davison wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Philip Taylor wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

SeaMonkey's lineage is directly traceable to Netscape Navigator 1.0.
SeaMonkey will effectively be having its 20th birthday this year.

Er, no (not unless you believe in time-travel !); it is /Netscape/ that
"will effectively be having its 20th birthday this year", and as someone
who has used every version from Netscape 1.0 to Seamonkey 2.17,
I would like to wish Netscape a Very Happy Birthday indeed !

What's in a name? That which we call SeaMonkey, by any other name would
smell as sweet...

And as for there being a continuous chain, my current mail files began
life in Netscape.  They have always been on a separate partition from
the apps, so when I got a new version of the app I just told it to use
the existing files.

Mine too, but I don't remember the number of the first version of Netscape I used.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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