On 5/26/2014 11:13 AM, G Tod wrote:
> (I have SM 2.23 on Win7.)  For the past month or two I have been 
> receiving most of my e-mails twice.  More recently some have been coming 
> in three times!  Is this possibly a SeaMonkey issue, or is my ISP's 
> service more likely at fault?

I was getting this with very large messages, actually messages with
large attachments.  I set a preference under [Account Settings > Disk
Space] for my E-mail account to hold messages greater than 75 KB on the
server.  If I did not download the entire message after some elapsed
time, my ISP's mail server would send another copy of the first 75 KB.

The solution is to open the truncated message and download the entire
message.  Alternatively, you might be able to view the E-mail server
over the Web and delete the offending message.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam, flames, and trolling from that source.
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