On 7/24/2014 12:03 PM, Smiles wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Smiles pounded out :
Rick Merrill wrote:
Several times now re-checking spelling during email composition has
caused SeaMonkey to crash.

I am surprised no one was given you an answer this happens to me monthly

I've tried several times to duplicate this to no avail.

I'd try:

1.  Safe Mode.  If it doesn't happen it's likely an extension.
2.  New profile.  If it doesn't happen migrate personal settings to the
new profile.
3.  Head to Bugzilla and search.


does SeaMonkey produce a crash report I can look at or post the next time this 

when this happens I get two choices wait for SeaMonkey to fix it self (I have 
waited 20 min. before choosing option two)
second choice close program

First, it never happens on the first "check", but if I add to the message and
check again and maybe yet again (!) it bails with a message that goes something 
"seamonkey has crashed - quit or start over?"  The latter parts of the message
are lost in the 'draft' copy.

I'll go look or a crash report - clues as to how to fine?

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