Interviewed by CNN on 21/08/2014 08:30, Daniel told the world:

> Does anyone know how well MS Word might compose an HTML file, or, to put 
> it another way, how clean is a HTML file written in MS Word??

Not very much. It's ridiculously verbose, it doesn't use styles
efficiently, it uses lots of presentational tags and styles, it doesn't
even manage to be consistent in the way it applies all the
presentational crap... and if you save as "web page" instead of "web
page, filtered" it manages to be even WORSE, spreading all sorts of
proprietary crap around.

But recent versions at least commit relatively few validation errors.
Making a page generated by Word 2003 validate was a job to be done only
by fully certified masochists.

And, by the way... the other tool mentioned was FrontPage. Which even
Microsoft gave up on -- it was discontinued about eight years ago, and
even back then it was widely considered to produce terrible code.


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