Trane Francks wrote:
On 9/11/14 5:50 AM, EE wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:
Thanks to keeping an eye on this newsgroup, I have avoided the worst of
the problems others have reported by disabling the "Remember Passwords"
add-on prior to upgrading SeaMonkey to the 2.29 release.  While I have
avoided the worst I am still seeing problems.  Seven web sites that I
was able to access with ease before the upgrade are now a problem,
requiring me to go to a data manager tab and copy a password as opposed
to simply having it filled in automatically.  This is annoying!

Is the developer of the Remember Passwords add-on still active?  Could
he issue an update that works with 2.29 that will bring back the lost
function?  If not, can the developers incorporate the complete function,
not the partial fix they obviously have implemented, as release a 2.29.1
with it quickly?

Thank you for any assistance you can give in getting this back to
working as it did with 2.26.2 and the Remember Passwords add-on.


Why do you need an add-on to get passwords to be saved?  SeaMonkey can
save passwords itself.

I was wondering the same thing.

It's not the saving. It's automatically inserting it when logging on, without a clunky work-around such as copying from the Data Manager. I still haven't heard any ideas about that, unless I missed something (easy for me to do).

Larry S.
support-seamonkey mailing list

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