On 12/11/2014 12:39 AM, Daniel wrote:
> On 11/12/14 05:29, Ed Mullen wrote:
>> Daniel wrote on 12/10/2014 3:45 AM:
>>> On 10/12/14 17:10, Paul wrote:
>>>> SM suggestions wanted.
>>>> This machine has Windows XP3.
>>>> Google recently made Maps incompatible with IE8 and I cannot
>>>> upgrade to IEx.  SM1119 has not worked with google maps in years,
>>>> so it looks like time to upgrade to a newer SM.
>>>> I don't care about viruses, security, or the latest-greatest thing.
>>>> What ever I get I will likely stick with for 10 years.
>>>> Except for gmaps, JS and Flash will be OFF.
>>>> Any good functional or compatibility reason to get or not to get
>>>> SM 2.30?  Reading this NG for years, it would appear that all other
>>>> versions have multiple problems.
>>> Paul, I've been using SeaMonkey, through several upgrades, with Google
>>> Maps for about a year. No problems noted until Google recently modified
>>> how the maps display, but still usable.
>>> HTH
>> Daniel, I don't seem to be having any trouble with Google maps on 2.31.
>>   What problems are there?
> Ed, prior to about a month ago, there was a panel occupying the left 
> hand 1/3 of screen. There I could select "Get Direction" and there would 
> be places to enter the "From" and "To" location.
> When I go to Google Maps now, the Map takes up the entire screen, 
> virtually, with just a little area in the bottom right that you click on 
> to enter the "From" and "To" locations and then, after you have zoomed 
> in to actually be able to see the "From" and "To" location, the Map 
> wants to zoom out to, basically, full scale, so you cannot see all the 
> twists and turns.
> An inconvenience!!

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