Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Gerd Schweizer wrote:

In Germany the tv organizations offer cinemas in the internet till one
week after sending. But they need the flash player. How can i tell
seamonkey to allow the actual flash player? It's alreaday installed.

What makes you think it's not "allowed"? Flash works fine here, has for

Exactly what happens when you try to play these?

How about a sample URL?

Are you using the Flashblock extension? If you are using Flashblock then you may need to add the site you want to view video content to Flashblock's whitelist.

To add a site to Flashblock's whitelist go to the browser menu and click on Tools->Add-ons Manager->Extensions

You will see the extension Flashblock. Click on Flashblock's Preferences and then select Whitelist and add the site you want to use flash on. For example if you want to use flash on Youtube you would add the web address for Youtube ( to the whitelist for flashblock.
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