Is anyone else getting this memory-report.json.gz file in their local
SeaMonkey v2.32 profile directory/folder? Or just me on this very old,
updated Windows XP Pro SP3 machine?

Did you go to about:memory and click "Measure and save"?

Nope, that option is new and it asked me where to save it (e:\dl) which
it didn't. I wonder if I got this while updating ABP, SM from v2.31 to
v2.32 internally, etc.

Weird. I see a new one again, dated 1/30/2015 at 12:58 AM PST. At around that time, I was doing a Google image search. Does SeaMonkey or extensions automatically trigger this that I am not aware of?
"Ant colonies are remarkably similar to cities. No one choreographs the action, not even the queen ant, but ant behavior is controlled by swarm logic--put 10,000 dumb ants together, and they become smart. They will calculate the shortest routes to food supplies sniffing out pheromone signals from other ants and Johnson says people do the same thing in cities using low-level interactions of people on the street." --Alex Cukan, "Stories of modern science," United Press International, October 8, 2001
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