David E. Ross wrote:
On 2/9/2015 9:30 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:

Web pages, a situation that is becoming more and more common.
In that case, the password is not filled in.

They are common of financial and banking sites, which you really,
really, really shouldn't save and autofill credentials! A practice that
is a safe as looking down the barrel to see if a gun is loaded.

I consider using Password Manager with a non-trivial master password to
be more secure than writing down my passwords

Hackers are good but so far not good enough to jump the wire and seek out and find your stashed log boot and remotely OCR it...

or having them in
plain-text files on my computer.

Well that IS just plain stupid, Sony might hire you with such a security plan. ;-)

Take care,

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