
Windows 7 X64. SeaMonkey Version 2.23.1

Following a normal Shutdown and subsequent startup, all my SeaMonkey Desktop 
shortcuts have been appended with ".url" (not the quotes); "FRIV.url" instead 
of just "FRIV". Did nothing untoward prior to last Shutdown, nor had any 
If I Rename them to simply remove the extension .url, the system does not know 
what to do with them, and throws up the default-open-with thing.
Further, the icon is different. The sea monkey is much smaller, and inside a 
white rectangle. Creating a new shortcut now also has the appended .url 

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Looking through Help threw up this. (I only include it because it uses the 
word, "Exceptions", which usually means trouble. It may have nothing whatsoever 
to do with anything of any value or relevance. Not a clue.)

Build tools
Compiler        Version         Compiler flags
cl      1600    -TC -nologo -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 -W3 -Gy -wd4244 -wd4267 -wd4819 
cl      1600    -TP -nologo -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 -W3 -Gy -wd4251 -wd4244 -wd4267 
-wd4345 -wd4351 -wd4482 -wd4800 -wd4819 -we4553 -GR- -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi 

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