On 3/2/2015 3:48 PM, Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP] wrote:
On Mon, 02 Mar 2015 19:47:45 +0100, A Williams <root@> wrote:

hawker wrote:
On 2/26/2015 9:47 PM, Thee Chicago Wolf (MVP) wrote:
On Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:34:58 -0800, Ant <ant@zimage.comANT> wrote:

Did you drop support for Windows XP?
When trying to start 2.33b1 on XP I get:

      The procedure entry point InterlockedCompareExchange64 could
not be
      located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.

That would be a real pity!


I just tried to install on my XP SP3 machine and go the exact same

That is why we have betas. I hope it is a bug. I still use Windows XP
Pro SP3. Did you guys report it in its Bugzilla? :)
I added it to the tracking bug 1132299 which was started by Edmond Wong

Thank you! I hope they will fix it! Now, if I could tell Netgear to
support Windows XP SP3. Argh.

Fix it? Why? XP is deader than dead, even with the POS2009 hack.
They've now switched to VS2013 for compiling so the compiler is
targeting OS from this century. While I did read about this problem
affecting XP SP2 users, I don't think it makes a difference in terms
of SP2/SP3. The future is leaving the past behind. No one is making
proper driver/software support for XP anymore so eventually it just
won't run. It doesn't make sense to compile for something that's EOL
even if a few people are still using it. Maybe the devs will work
around it but I doubt for very long. It will become just too time
consuming to support.

I suspect the core user base of Seamonkey is anachronistic hold outs in
general. Most of us are probably old Netscape 1-4 users who could never
get used to the more modern interface of other browsers and like how the
old Netscape suite worked. IE we get comfortable with one thing and
don't switch unless we have too.

That probably also means that the Seamonkey base has a larger than
average hold out of XP SP3 users.  XP works, little motivation to go to
Win 7. I have it at home, I don't like it.  I'm certainly guilty of both

My XP machine is an old laptop limping along.  The DVD drive stopped
working years ago - a controller problem, not a drive problem - so I
can't install anything newer.
Uninstalled Flash, Java, any obvious security holes.  I have a
standalone browsing machine (for a limited range of sites) with no data
worth compromising.  Works for me.

If XP support *was* removed, I'd like to know in advance so I could
freeze the last working level.

If I had to take a guess, support is going to end for XP in the near
future, probably with the next ESR or two. I'm sure as with the ending
of support on Windows 2000 there will be an announcement.

- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]

Well considering support for Windows 2000 was just removed less than 2 years ago we may have a while to go.
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