On 3/4/2015 12:30 AM, Ant wrote:
> Hello.
> I tried to sign up for a new account on https://www.caljobs.ca.gov/, but 
> its registration keeps clearing most of my inputted forms before 
> submitting when trying to print preview or print. Is anyone else having 
> this problem or just me?
> Thank you in advance. :)

I recently observed a similar problem at another California state Web
site, the site for the California Secretary of State.  With a new
politician in that office, the site was substantially redesigned.  Now,
existing RSS feeds no longer work; and new RSS feeds cannot be setup.  I
tried to report this problem via the Webmail page for the site's
Webmaster, but my inputs kept blanking out.  I then sent a postal letter
to the Secretary of State about both problems.  I have not yet received
a reply.

David E. Ross

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