Béèm wrote:
Béèm wrote:


I went to the adobe site and downloaded from there the 451.

Why did you do that?


So for the moment I have the conclusion:
SeaMonkey sees the 451 as 378 still
The video doesn't play in SeaMonkey
The video does play in Firefox.

But for the moment I have no idea why this is so.

In order to be sure, I renamed every instance of libflashplayer.so on
the HDD and only kept the one which serves for both SeaMonkey and Firefox.
Also the mechanism is still the same as before, this time SeaMonkey sees
the player as 451 and not 378 and the video is playing now.

If you has just used update manager to update the flashplugin-installer it would have:

(a) Installed the latest version for you
(b) Installed it in the proper location
(c) Remove the previous version
(d) Prevented the multiple instances and versions of libraries that put you in that "DLL Hell" to borrow the Windows term.

Take care,

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