On 5/2/15, Larry S. <schwenkla...@optonline.net> wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 4/26/2015 8:38 AM, Larry S. wrote:
>>> I keep getting reminders that a Java update is available, but when I try
>>> to download it I get the message: "Unable to validate security integrity
>>> on the file. Fie is either corrupted or unsigned."
>>> This has been going on for some time now. Assuming that Java knows how
>>> to send a good file, I might have some sort of interfering setting in my
>>> computer. Being hopeless about the security settings, I'm looking for
>>> advice.
>>> Anyone? All help gratefully appreciated.
>>> Larry S.
>> Contrary to assertions by Oracle, a new version of Java cannot be
>> installed correctly without first removing any old versions.
>> 1.  Remove all prior versions of Java.
>> 2.  Reboot.
>> 3.  Download the current version of Java from <http://www.java.com/en/>.
>> 4.  Install the new version of Java.
>> 5.  Test the installation at
>> <http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp>.
> O.K., I did all this. After installing, I got the message "Installation
> Complete". Sounded good. Did the test. Result; "Java not detected". Went
> to the Try Again step, result: "Java is disabled or not installed".
> Java IS listed in Programs and Features in the Control Panel. Its icon
> also appears in P and F, and will open the Java control panel, where it
> IS activated for the browser. However, it does NOT appear in the Add-Ons
> list nor in Help-About Plug-ins.
> Since I have a 64-bit OS, that's what I installed. Thinking that SM was
> 32-bit (?), I also tried to install that version, but get the message
> "(File Name) is not a valid Win 32 application".

Try downloading the 32 bit offline installer from
and check the signature to make sure it downloaded ok
 (open windows explorer, right click jre-8u45-windows-i586.exe, left
click properties, select digital signatures tab, hilight the one &
only signature, click details - you should get "The digital signature
is OK")
install that & reboot.  java should at least show up in the plug-ins
pane.  It's been a while since I've had java installed, so I don't
remember if you have to enable it in SM or what

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