Miles Fidelman wrote:
EE wrote:
Bill DeCoster wrote:
I find myself needing to use IE other programs more and more because of
issues with it. What's the point if nothing works?

It might help if you explained what the problem is.  I am not having
problems with SeaMonkey.

Well, speaking personally:
- an awful lot of web pages take forever to load, and a slow page load
freezes the entire program  - I have to force quit the browser at least
1 or 2 times a day, and look at pages in something else

Not my experience, despite me having a rather large number of extensions, and I also *know* my profile is not 100% clean and pure -- I identified 2 or 3 issues that don't occur in a clean profile (one of them being that I was unable to use newsgroups in the main profile without SM crashing). If there were a systemic instability, I think I would have noticed it, since my main profile is already pretty fragile.

- features seem to break from release to release (security exceptions
for IMAP servers w/ private certificates, sync seems to have stopped
working of late - to name just two)

It's not so much "broken" than "Firefox changed them in the shared code and reimplementing them in SM in the new way is a lot of work." Take Sync: when old-style Sync was replaced by Sync2 (the one that requires a Firefox ID), the Firefox team removed the code from Gecko that allowed one to create/join a sync, but they kept the syncing co. So in order to establish a sync you have to temporarily downgrade to SM 2.25. After the sync is established, you can upgrade to the current version and it keeps working.

I haven't been active in the group over the last few months (that profile problem I mentioned above), so I have no idea how is going the work to solve the situation.


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