NoOp wrote:
On 9/2/2015 12:17 PM, Cecil Bankston wrote:
EE wrote:
Cecil Bankston wrote:
EE wrote:
Brian Mailman wrote:
I like to open CNN first thing, read the
headlines of
the stories I want to read later and right-click on them.  "Open New
Tab" I pick.  Then I read the stories I've selected.

Problem is, CNN doesn't believe the readers know how to read and that
they want to watch videos.  I don't.  I want to read the stories.

I wind up with a cacophony of videos, and I have to find them one by
before I can find peace.

Is there a way of shutting down the videos unless/until I want to see



What is that site using to send the videos?  Is it a plugin or HTML5? If
a plugin is being used, you could set up Plugins Click-to-Play, mark the
plugins as "Ask to Activate", and you should get placeholders that have
to be cleared before any can load and play.  If it is HTML5, you may
have to set up Flashblock 1.5.19a1 and set it to block HTML5.  It has to
be converted to install in SeaMonkey.  You have to get that version of
Flashblock from Mozdev.
The converter is here:

Several pages start playing a video as soon as the page loads.  I
installed the converted Flashblock, as suggested, then found this
statement in the Flashblock details: "Flashblock does not work with
Javascript disabled or with NoScript installed."  I have NoScript
installed as a vital security measure, and indeed the Flashblock didn't
work.  Is there any other means of preventing immediate playing of
videos in pages such as this:

What happens if you whitelist with NoScript the sites where you want to
watch videos?  Does Flashblock work then?

I had uninstalled Flashblock before I saw your reply.  I then installed
the converted Flashstopper extension.  Youtube pages don't autoplay, but
the page at the above URL still plays automatically.  Did you try that
page with your setup?

The video is H.264. You can turn on/off in
'about:config' by toggling 'media.gstreamer.enabled'.

I have a prefbar button that I created to turn H.264 on/off:

id: gstreamer
Label: H.284
Prefstring: media.gstreamer.enabled
toPref: value
fromPref: value
Hotkey: (disabled)

In other words, the button changes media.gstreamer.enabled in
about:config from true to false the button is unchecked which disables

Note: I also have the same for WebM if you are interested:

id: webm
Label: WebM
Prefstring: media.webm.enabled
toPref: value
fromPref: value
Hotkey: (disabled)

That appears to be just the solution I need if I can get them to work. I edited a copy of an existing checkbox btn file in my PrefBar, using NotePad, and imported it for the H.284. With the box unchecked the SegmentNext video still autoplays. I tried to do the same for WebM, but when I tried to import the btn file it didn't appear in the enabled list. There was no error message.

The Playwire site that links from the SegmentNext video mentions a "Bolt Media Player" for HTML5 videos. How is that related to H.284 or GStreamer?

C. Bankston
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