On 12/29/2015 10:53 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
Firefox 43 has been out for a bit, and has even gotten three point
upgrades but I haven't seen any mention of a Seamonkey update.  Is the
Build Engine broken again?

FWIW, I tested Thunderbird 38.5.1 on Linux yesterday, haven't seen a development build since Dec. 15th though.

I understand SeaMonkey is skipping 2.40 beta and are supposed to go to a 2.40 release, but one of the developers was unavailable due to a medical problem and still a bit hobbled.

From IRC logs.

ewong   Mc I'm currently stalled on getting 2.40 released.. I'm very sorry.


Linux Mint 17.2 "Rafaela" | KDE 4.14.2 | Thunderbird 45.0a2 (Earlybird)
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