On 15/03/2016 9:44 AM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
Edmund Wong wrote:

After so long a delay, for which we apologize, the SeaMonkey
Project is pleased to announce the release of SeaMonkey 2.40!

So please check out [1] or [2].

Please note that the website information, while updated for
2.40, still requires a bit more work.

We cannot repeat this enough.  Thank you everyone for your
patience with us.  This very long delay due to infrastructure
and resource issues has been very trying on a lot of people.

It has been a very tough release.  I think it's the
toughest one I've done.  However, this isn't to say that
I did this alone.  Kudos go to a lot of people, particularly
the guys/gals in Mozilla's IT and RelEng dept.

I particularly want to thank Nick Thomas for his sheer
brilliant idea that helped me unhork the partial mar upload
script as well as pointing out the necessary changes
to migrate off FTP to S3.

Thanks to Jens Hatlak for taking the time to do the Website
patch. (Really, sorry for the delay.)

Also, thanks to Justin Wood for giving me this opportunity
to work out the problems myself.  If you all take a look
at bug 1233615,  I think I rivaled the mess I did with
the GTK bug (conveniently forgotten the # :P ).  The
repo changes I made...  oh boy.  Only time will heal
the mess^H^H^H^H wounds. ;P

Anyway, most of all, thanks to all the users out there
for hanging on to this project.  The words of encouragement
(especially during the broken-hand period) definitely gave
me a boost of energy.

Oh.  Before I forget and in the light of being transparent,
there is a chance I might have goofed something up, especially
during the 2.39 Win32 builds as well as the 2.40 builds and
also the partial mar and complete mar updates.  I hope I
didn't screw things up too much, if at all (here's hoping).
Please do post here on your findings.

Anyway, thanks again.

[1] - http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.40
[2] - http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.40/

What is the equivalent Firefox release, out of curiosity?

Jamie, to work out the FF equivalent, add the bits and add one more

i.e. SM 2.40 becomes 2 + 40 + 1 = FF 43!!


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