Michael wrote:
Until recently been using Firefox and Thunderbird,everything fine.

I recently discovered Seamonkey and the browser is fine but I would like
the integrated email application to be more similar in appearance to

Seamonkey Mail starts with an options dialogue, however I would like the
application to start with going straight to the inbox of "Local folders"
as per Thunderbird.How do I go about this ?

Also with Seamonkey Mail the downloaded subject title of emails is in a
font a third smaller than Thunderbird that makes it difficult to read.
Also the Inbox,Deleted and Outbox etc in the left panel appears smaller
than Thunderbird. is it just me ?

I would appreciate any comments on this.


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I changed the fonts in the interface for SeaMonkey by putting settings into my userChrome.css file.

/* Fonts */
window,page,dialog,menu,wizard,prefwindow,tab,statusbar,toolbar,textbox {
   font-size: 15px !important;
   font-family: Trebuchet MS !important;

That changed the font sizes to 15px and the font to Trebuchet. If you need help with setting up a userChrome.css file, see this page:

To have SeaMonkey go to the Inbox when I open the messaging window, I installed the extension Folderpane Tools. You might have to download it manually and increase the max version number for SeaMonkey in install.rdf inside the .xpi file to get it to install.

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