
I'm running SM 2.40 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and have been trying to follow the Linux Installation Instructions on


My desktop is the default Unity version, whereas the instructions refer to the GNOME Panel, so where the instructions say

[QUOTE] To hook up SeaMonkey complete with icon to the GNOME Panel, follow these steps:

    Click the GNOME Main Menu button.....[/QUOTE]

I'm lost! I don't have a GNOME Menu button, or if I do, I haven't recognised it!!

I've managed to install a copy of the SM icon from seamonkey/chrome/icons/default/default.png in my Unity launch strip as I hope you'll be able to see in my attached "unity.jpg", but I've failed to get that icon to display correctly when I'm using alt-tab to switch between different applications.

Instead of displaying a "default.png" in alt-tab, I've only managed to get a question mark. See my attached "alt-tab.jpg".

Can anyone please explain where I should look and what I should do to change that "?" for a "default.png" ?

   Tks,    +  John

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