On 29/09/2016 10:56 AM, David Hume wrote:
I am trying to import some old mail, from around the year 2000. I am not
sure what client I was using then, maybe mozilla communicator, or
netscape. The mail is in folders with a .slt suffix, like xxxxxx.slt. I
tried to create a profile called xxxxxx following instructions on
mozilla.org but it created a folder called yyyyyy.xxxxxx.

The mail is in various plain text files so I am hoping there is some way
to create .msf indexes from it. Is there a way to do it with seamonkey
(or thunderbird, whichever works).

Communicator never used ".slt" folders, so I assume that profile was created in Netscape 6. The file format is actually the same as what is used in SeaMonkey today, so importing them is the same method as described at <http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/profilefaq/#transferring_mail>. Instead of creating a new account, create the folders in the Local Folders account, then close SeaMonkey and switch the new files with the old ones.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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