Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

May also be a cookie problem. I had to explicitly accept session
cookies for the site. Current default Firefox cookie options are
different / lax and the ui to change them is gone now. So this might
explain why Firefox works.

I didn't think so at first, but it looks like you're right. And cookies are usually the prime suspect in failed logins.

My default setting is first-party cookies only, and the login form came up instantly yesterday with that setting. I added to the Cookie Manager as a site that could not set cookies, and it still came up instantly today. I also have SM configured to clear private data (including cookies) on shutdown, so yesterday's cookies could not have survived until today.

On the other hand, there seems to be a problem with the Cookie Manager obeying orders: even though was clearly listed with the entry, "site cannot set cookies," each time I visited it did manage to set two cookies for that domain. And despite that listing in CM, if I pulled down Tools | Cookie Manager, the setting was "Use Default Cookie Permissions." So I selected "Block Cookies from This Website," and CM added a second entry, this time for Now I don't get the login, just a blank blue page. Apparently, SM doesn't treat as a subset of

So if the OP wants to login, he'll have to accept cookies from and/or

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