On 12/02/2016 03:30 PM, NFN Smith wrote:
I'm watching discussions relating to the SVG exploit, and am a little confused about what steps I should take.

I'm one of the users that has stayed with 2.40, and for the most part, I'm content to wait until a new release comes through the normal update channel, although I am concerned about the number of security fixes accumulating, that have been applied to Firefox and Thunderbird.

Right now, the primary question would is whether there will be an update to 2.40 to address the SVG exploit, or if it's going to take moving to one of the later builds, to get that.

I've seen ewong's notes about what's happening with 2.46, 2.47, etc., and I hope he's able to get a breakthrough soon. (Personally, I'm OK with dropping both Chatzilla and DOM). But it appears that nothing is going to be coming down the official pipeline for a while.

Assuming that, what are the options?

- Stay with 2.40, and hope that most of the risk can be offset by use of NoScript, as suggested by Frank-Rainer Grahl? I already run NoScript, so I'm used to how that behaves.

- Use one of Adrian Kalla's unofficial builds? If so, which build, and what potential problems are there?

- Something else?

Our organization uses mostly Firefox and Thunderbird, as preferred clients. (I'm actually one of only a couple that use Seamonkey). We have a fairly aggressive policy stance about requiring our users to apply security updates promptly. I know that the last time there was a break in Seamonkey development, one of our admins was questioning me about whether Seamonkey is still supported -- at that time, I was running the most current version, but it was already behind Firefox development, and the current gap between releases is even larger. For me, a temporary move from Seamonkey to Firefox isn't a huge thing, but having to relocate my mail to Thunderbird is more painful, as I still do nearly everything through POP.


Elected to find the most recent 2.49a2 SM build for 64 bit linux, from Dec 4 here:


so far, so good...

The purpose of life is to be happy.
     ~ Dalai Lama
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