On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 16:03:36 -0800, David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/8/2016 3:42 PM, Ralph Fox wrote:
On Thu, 08 Dec 2016 11:06:24 +0000, Richmond wrote:
Ant <ant@zimage.comANT> writes:
Smiley Fixer looks like a likely candidate.
Thanks, but it didn't work for me. I tried
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/smiley-fixer/versions/ and
force an install with its reboot. It didn't work. :( Did it work for anyone
else in SM v2.40?
I have installed it in Seamonkey 2.48a2, but I am not sure how to test
if it is working. I need to craft an email with a messed up microsoft
moticon. Maybe I just put a letter J or L at the end of a sentence?
You must set the font for the J or L to be Wingdings, which means the
message may need to be HTML.
My SM doesn't let me select Wingdings in the HTML compose window.  But I
can insert the required HTML code using "Insert >> HTML...".

HTML code <font face="Wingdings">J</font> at the end of this line: J
HTML code <font face="Wingdings">L</font> at the end of this line: L

If the add-on works, you should see the same above as you do at the end
of these two lines:

HTML code <font face="Wingdings">&#xF04A;</font> at the end of this line: 
HTML code <font face="Wingdings">&#xF04C;</font> at the end of this line: 

That does not address Ant's problem, which is with someone who is not
using Thunderbird or SeaMonkey and is sending messages to Ant.

Indeed. I was addressing Richmond's question of how to _test_ whether or not the "Smiley Fixer" add-on is working. Specifically, I was addressing this from Richmond's post:

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  I have installed it in Seamonkey 2.48a2, but I am not sure how to test
  if it is working. I need to craft an email with a messed up microsoft
  moticon. Maybe I just put a letter J or L at the end of a sentence?

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kind regards

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