On 01/19/2017 10:41 AM, sean wrote:
On 01/18/2017 03:16 PM, Richard Alan wrote:
sean wrote:

On 01/17/2017 06:06 PM, Richard Alan wrote:
No, not headers. By the "nature" I meant general content.

same sorts of things from back in the olden days, viagra, cialis,
insurance, rate notices, gift cards for you, $100 amaz0n rwards, this 1

So then, ordinary spam.

You could get the sending IP addresses from the headers and look up
where they are being sent from.

originating IPs?  like this [2a02:6ea0:c201:0:9320:90fd:9bec:ab67]
originator.org ?

No, that's not an IP address. Find it, and check it at a site like this


  etyszrt4.onmicrosoft.com is in many of them

Set filter for "From address *contains* onmicrosoft.com"...

Train the filter.

I have had years of training the filter under my belt... this one is
eluding the filters... @cox.net techs were of no help... cox's filters
do not work no matter how many times i mark the whole @onmicrosoft
domain as spam...

Are you using "contains"?

Yes, I'm using contains... its not that I dunno how to filter it out of my inbox, but I like defeating the source. I've had zero spam for a number of years... absolutely zero incoming.

Perhaps I'm tilting at windmills, Don Quixote was the first book I recollect my father handing me to read in 2nd grade.

Taking this on as a distraction & challenge as I divert my attention away from my oh so political mother wanting to be friends on facebook...

Decimal:    1747921024
Hostname:    mail-co1nam03on0128.outbound.protection.outlook.com
ASN:    8075
ISP:    Microsoft Corporation
Organization:    Microsoft Azure
Services:    Likely mail server
Type:    Corporate
Assignment:    Static IP

I'm guessing now though, there's probably no good reason to report it back to any of the addresses listed on the whois page for the onmicrosoft domain, likely to only get my own self blacklisted



Rather ironic that the originating server is from a "brand protection company" ... ... Is this what Microsoft's Azure morphed into?


I'm e'mailing all the addresses on that page with a polite request to double check their servers... ;~)

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