On 3/4/2017 10:02 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> Many website nowadays have their own "Print" buttons that deliver what 
> the designers consider "printer-friendly" versions of their pages. But 
> even if I ignore those and use SeaMonkey's own "Print" function, many 
> sites outsmart me by serving their "printer-friendly" versions. A prime 
> example is <http://www.nytimes.com>. Pick any page and print it, and 
> you'll find that you've lost all the graphics, fonts, and layout and 
> gotten only a plain-text version of the page.
> Does anyone know how to outsmart these sites and print the pages as 
> received, complete with all the bells and whistles?
> Conversely, for pages that are too fancy/fussy for my taste and don't 
> serve dumbed-down versions on their own, is there a way for the user to 
> select that?
> Thanks.

Have you tried submitting some kind of feedback to the NY Times about

David E. Ross

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, who was quoting someone else:
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and
alternative truths.
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