On 4/22/2017 6:16 PM, DICK HOFFMAN wrote:
On 4/22/2017 5:42 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
On 4/22/2017 2:36 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 4/22/2017 11:22 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
There is probably a simple answer to this but I can't find it.
months ago after I "upgraded" to Windows 10 I noticed that SeaMonkey
(probably started in rel 2.45 but continuing in 2.46) was no longer
prompting me for the password for my primary email account. When I
started up SM mail it had apparently saved my password and was
it automatically. Today, it has reverted back to my previous
where it asks for a password every time before contacting my ISP. Any
ideas on how I got it to remember my password and then how I got
it to
forget it would be appreciated.

Edit > Preferences... > Security & Passwords

checkbox: Remember passwords
button: Manage Stored Passwords

For some still unknown reason, such binary settings are sometimes lost.

When I encounter this problem with Thunderbird, however, it usually
results from a failure in the E-mail server's authentication process.
The failure to authenticate then sometimes causes Thunderbird to delete
the credentials (ID and password).  This situation might also exist in
SeaMonkey's MailNews component, which substantially replicates the same
Thunderbird component.

I looked at this option in Password Manager. As far as I can tell,
I've always
had "Remember passwords" checked. Checking and unchecking this
doesn't have any
affect on my mail passwords although it seems to cause the saving or
not saving
of passwords needed by sites I go to with the browser portion of SM.
I have two
other mail accounts that have always required that I enter a
password. Any other
Under Edit, Mail & Newsgroup Settings, Outgoing Server (SMTP),
Method should be set to Normal Password. The next time you login, it
still may
ask for your password but it will then be saved in the SMTP section.

I don't see any such option under Edit, Mail & Newsgroup Settings on my
SM 2.46 system. The only reference to SMTP that I can find is in Account
Settings for the mail server and that only asks for an outgoing server
name. I'm using POP, BTW.
I spoke too soon. Under "Account Settings" the last item is Outgoing Server and has a line for Authentication. I'll change from "Any secure method" to "Normal Password" and see what happens.
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