David H. Durgee wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
On 11/20/17 11:51 AM, David H. Durgee wrote:
Now that 2.49.1 is out I am interested in checking out the calendar feature, which to this point I have never used.  I understand that the calendar displayed here can be linked with google and thus that seen on my android cell phone.  Looking at the settings for the calendar I see nothing mentioning this possibility.  Is there an add-on that must be installed to link my calendar here with my google calendar?  Is this a two-way or one-way linkage?


You need the Lightning and Provider for Google Calendar extensions.

These should work. <https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/calendar/lightning/nightly/latest-comm-esr52/>

There is a support forum for the Calendar at mozilla.support.calendar if you encounter any problems.

Lightning is installed automatically with the ubuntuzilla build, so I looked for and installed Provider for Google Calendar.  I will see how it works after my next restart.

Since ReminderFox no longer work with SeaMonkey 2.48+ I now use Lightning, the provider does work, can sync with Android, Win and Linux systems.

Provider link:

I also installed Lightbird that adds separate window for Lighting instead of the little sidebar thingy in Mail & Newsgroups. CTRL+8 shows the calendar. Link:


Take care,

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