On 12/03/2017 07:10 AM, mozilla-lists.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote:
> Daniel wrote:
>> mozilla-lists.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote:
>>> I've just installed SeaMonkey from Ubuntuzilla on Linux Mint 18.3 
>>> MATE, using the instructions at 
>>> <https://sourceforge.net/p/ubuntuzilla/wiki/Main_Page/#installation>.
>>> On starting SeaMonkey, it prompts to "Use SeaMonkey as the default 
>>> client for:" with "Browser" and "Email" preselected. I click OK, and 
>>> it does appear to be correctly set as the default application - .html 
>>> files, http: URLs etc. from other applications open with SeaMonkey. 
>>> However, every time I start SeaMonkey it prompts again to set it as 
>>> the default client. I /could/ just untick "Always perform this check 
>>> when starting SeaMonkey" and I expect it wouldn't prompt again, but 
>>> I'm pretty sure this prompt is only supposed to appear if SeaMonkey is 
>>> not already the default.
>>> Ubuntuzilla sets up an entry for SeaMonkey in the applications menu 
>>> (file at /usr/share/applications/seamonkey-mozilla-build.desktop), but 
>>> I'm not sure if there's something else that needs to be configured in 
>>> MATE to enable SeaMonkey to detect that it's already set as the 
>>> default browser and mail client? Or perhaps this is a problem with 
>>> SeaMonkey itself, possibly related to 
>>> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1036903>?
>>> I did notice that having SeaMonkey set itself as the default client 
>>> creates a ~/.local/share/applications/userapp-SeaMonkey-WYLOAZ.desktop 
>>> file and adds references to that into ~/.config/mimeapps.list, rather 
>>> than referencing the seamonkey-mozilla-build.desktop which defines the 
>>> menu item. Editing ~/.config/mimeapps.list to point to 
>>> seamonkey-mozilla-build.desktop doesn't make any difference though. 
>>> I've also tried using xdg-settings and xdg-mime to configure similar 
>>> mappings, and selecting SeaMonkey as the default web browser and mail 
>>> reader at Mint's Menu > Preferences > Preferred Applications, but 
>>> SeaMonkey still prompts to be set as the default client every time it 
>>> starts.
>>> Has anyone got the default client check to work on MATE, or is 
>>> disabling "Always perform this check when starting SeaMonkey" the only 
>>> way of avoiding the prompt every time? I don't really mind doing that; 
>>> it would just be nice to have it work properly if it just needs a bit 
>>> of configuration.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark.
>> Mark, I think your only recourse is to tick the box.
> Tick or untick? With it ticked, SeaMonkey prompts to be set as default 
> every time it starts, which is rather annoying.
>> Logically, if you start up some other Browser/Mail Agent, it would do a 
>> similar check and present you with a similar screen, allowing you to 
>> change your default Browser/Mail Agent.
> I'm not sure I follow. If I start some other browser with similar 
> options, I would set that one not to be default and not to check, 
> leaving SeaMonkey as the default. SeaMonkey (with "Always perform this 
> check..." set) should then detect that it's still the default and not 
> prompt. At least that's what I'd expect, and how it works under Windows. 
> On the Linux Mint MATE machine I'm setting up, SeaMonkey always prompts 
> to set itself as the default client, even when it is already the default:
> - Start SeaMonkey
> - OK the prompt to set it as default browser and mail client
> - Close SeaMonkey
> - Start SeaMonkey
> - SeaMonkey prompts to be set as the default browser and mail client, 
> even though it has just been set as the default and nothing has changed 
> that.
> Ideally I'd leave "Always perform this check..." set, so that if 
> something else did get set to be the default, SeaMonkey would detect 
> that and offer to set itself back to being the default. Disabling 
> "Always perform this check..." would prevent that from happening, but at 
> the moment seems to be the only way to avoid being prompted every time 
> SeaMonkey starts even when it's already the default. Not too bad if 
> that's the way it is; I'm unlikely to accidentally set something else to 
> be the default, and if I did I could just set the default back to 
> SeaMonkey. But if there's just some bit of configuration I'm missing to 
> make SeaMonkey's default check work it would be nice to do.

Have you set SeaMonkey as default in your system settings? I'm not
familiar with MATE, but I think it to be similar to, and based on
Ubuntu; Config cog icon|System Settings|Details|Default
Applications|Web/Mail set to SeaMonkey? Try that & see if that resolves
the issue. If not, you may need to use about:config and search for
'default' and then look for settings with 'browser' - I 'think' the
settings that affect the browser check is:


Try setting that to 'true' if set to 'false' (double click to toggle
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