Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Frog wrote:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Frog wrote:
Believe it or not---the problem has been solved.  The password I needed to enter my Inbox was not connected to my home Inbox but an Inbox located at my CPA.

CPA? Certified Public Accountant?


Okay more confused by that. How can your "Inbox located at my CPA"? Do you mean another email account, IMAP, physically somehow, ...?

I received an email message from my CPA that had two attachments. I got the request for a password when I attempted to open the two attachments. Next, after not knowing the password for my Inbox, I got in touch with my CPA about this matter and a password was made known to me...the password open a file on a computer located in the office of the CPA. I then put the password in the window as requested and there were my two attachments. I now have both attachments downloaded to my computer...thus, all is well.


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