Thomas Pamin wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Thomas Pamin wrote on 23-03-18 12:33:
Is there a way to disable the SM Help Window? It's popping up at times
I don't need it.
I never seen the help-window poping-up ... perhaps, you have
inadvertently pressed the F1 key ?

It pops up every time my PC wakes from sleep. No one can help me so far.

It sounds like you keep Seamonkey open all the time. When is the last time you restarted Seamonkey? How long has it been since you last restarted your computer (i.e., how many times have you put it to sleep, since the last restart?)

I'm inclined to believe that there's some sort of stray signal coming from Windows that's triggering the pop-up.

I suggest a simple restart of Seamonkey. If you're still seeing issues, then a cold restart of the computer.

It looks like you're using Windows 10, and if you are, a simple restart is sufficient. For Windows 7, you want to do a full power-off shut down.

Since Windows 8, Microsoft has tweaked Windows so that initiating "shutdown" actually hibernates the computer, where there's some power in the circuitry. Initiating "restart" will do a shutdown of the computer, although a restart will happen quickly enough that there isn't time for the power to be completely drained from the system. There's a tweak that you can make in Windows to force the more traditional handling of sleep/hibernate/shutdown, although I won't try to describe here.

In any case, I think the problem is simply that Windows needs a restart.

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