On 6/13/18 4:15 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 06/13/2018 09:21 AM, David H. Durgee wrote:
Mozilla User wrote:
First YouTube, then YahooMail, now I will soon no longer be able to track my packages through USPS using SeaMonkey.

When on the USPS using SeaMonkey, I get this message:
Alert: As of April 30, USPS.com will no longer support outdated browsers. To continue access, you may need to upgrade your browser. Read more ›


I guess years of using the Mozilla Browser, and then SeaMonkey are about to come to an end. I loved the idea of it and have been a loyal user for about 15 years, but now I guess I need to switch to FireFox. It's just a pain in the neck to keep switching between browsers for certain websites. I like having one browser for everything.

Just wanted to let the group know that I found myself totally unable to complete a customs form on the USPS website on Monday.  I wound up having to physically fill one out at the local post office to get my package sent.

This is impacting more that SeaMonkey, I was unable to do so with the CURRENT FireFox and Google Chrome either here on my linux mint 18.3 x64 system!  I can only assume that their snooping is not happy with linux browsers.

I assume that at some point I could spoof a user agent string that will make USPS happy, but this is getting ridiculous when current releases of major browsers are not being supported simply because they are linux releases.


Does USPS know there is a problem?
IOW have *YOU* told the Postmaster General that there is a problem?

About 50 years ago I observed USPS vehicles driven in an improper/illegal manner. I complained to local Postmaster. I was effectively told "Go jump in the lake!" After all I WAS a college student and Cayuga Lake was convenient. Email not having been invented, I sent a "snail mail" letter to the Postmaster General. It got a prompt response from state/regional/local administrators. The local postmaster then stated "there was no problem" BUT "he would meet with me at *MY* personal convenience. I declined as I had observed USPS drivers no longer doing "bad things".

Depends on the vehicle, but my mailman drives a mail vehicle with the steering wheel on the right hand side of the vehicle, so he can drive down streets in the correct lane and put the mail in street side mailboxes.

Maybe the one you saw was driving in an improper/illegal manner because they had to put the mail in mailboxes on the opposite side of the street and his steering wheel was on the left.

Thank you for notifying the Postmaster General that there is a problem with using the SeaMonkey browser on their website and being part of the solution. 👏

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