Frog wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 7/26/2018 10:46 AM, Frog wrote:
I think I know the answer to my question before I ask it; but here goes
my question anyhow...Is it possible to have two SeaMonkey programs
connected to a single ISP that are both identified as default?  I have
been having some difficulty with my move from Verizon to AOL for some
time.  At times my mail will show up in the window designated "AOL -
SeaMonkey" and at other times it will show up in "Inbox - Local Folder -
SeaMonkey".  I desire to have all of my mail show up in the "Inbox -
Local Folder - SeaMonkey" window.

Is there some way to temporarily remove default from the "AOL -
SeaMonkey" mail program?  I would like to take this step prior to
removing the AOL - SeaMonkey from my system...thus letting me have some
assurance that all of my mail is ending up in the "Inbox - Local Folder
- SeaMonkey" folder.

My operating system is Windows 10 with the latest version of SeaMonkey.


I think you really have only one E-mail application but with more than
one account.  What you need to do is create a filter that moves incoming
AOL account messages to the Inbox of your Local Folder.

If E-mail messages continue to be addressed to you at AOL, you do not
want to remove the AOL account.  Wait at least until you have an account
at another E-mail host and have notified all your correspondents of your
new E-mail address.

Actually, I strongly recommend that you purchase a personalized domain
and use that for your E-mail.  Personalized domains do not cost much;
mine costs less than $10 per year.  After notifying all your
correspondents of your your new E-mail address with that domain, you
will never have to do that again if you ever again change your E-mail
host.  Just be careful (1) to renew your domain before it expires and
(2) only use E-mail hosts that do not allow you to use your own domain
(there are a few).

Thanks for your help has been a while since you came to my aid.

I think I need to do some clarification of my situation with my email setup.  This may get a bit long, but I don't know how else to give you a picture of my problem and what I am trying to here goes-

Verizon was my long-time ISP.  A while back, I was notified that my account was being handed over to AOL.

I only have one account and all of my Verizon mail previously ended up in my single SeaMonkey Inbox folder.

Then along came AOL to foul up my happy home.  I created a new AOL method for accessing my mail.  I can't remember how I set this access up, but it does not (as far as I can see) appear in the Add/Remove Programs listing...just as an ICON on my Desktop.

I have two entries under This PC as follows
This PC > W7_64BIT (C) > Program Files > SeaMonkey > jsloader (((jsloder is an empty folder))), and a second entry as follows This PC > W7_64BIT (C) >Program Files (x86) > SeaMonkey (folder with a number of sub folders and files attached).

I have used another program (MailWasher Pro) for years that permits me to review my mail in my ISP account before downloading wanted mail to my INBOX...unwanted mail is deleted before my mail is forwarded to my INBOX).

It seems like everything was working just fine when I was connected to Verizon.  The addition of the AOL SeaMonkey connection has some of my mail showing up in my old SeaMonkey setup and some in my new AOL setup...not the way I want it (I want everything in my one and only original SeaMonkey INBOX).

I noticed today that both my old Verizon setup and the new AOL setup employs SeaMonkey as my access to my mail...and both are designated as default.

Now what I am inclined to do is as follows:

Remove this entry from the Program Files listing:
This PC > W7_64BIT (C) > Program Files > SeaMonkey > jsloader (((Jsloder is an empty folder)))

Amend the desktop entry as follows:

Change the Identification for the desktop ICON from AOL (7) to AOL Mail

Change (under the properties for this ICON) the URL from

I am contemplating consideration of the above changes as a way of overcoming two separate SeaMonkey programs, both operating as default, as a way to see if all of my mail once again shows up in my original SeaMonkey INBOX.  If it works, I will then delete the AOL Mail ICON from the desktop.

I told you that it was going to get a little long, but I tried to communicate my situation the best I know how.

I look forward to your response when you have time.

Thanks again for your help.


P.S. I just thought of another possibility for solving my problem...and that is, make sure that I am not signed in to my AOL account when downloading mail.

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