Lori wrote:
I don't remember how to archive SeaMonkey, and I need to transfer several thousand emails (several years worth( to my nonprofit office, where they use Outlook.
How can I do that?

I work in that kind of environment, where part of our org runs Microsoft infrastructure. The driving force is not so much Outlook as it is that there's an Exchange server that requires Outlook, as a client.

This is a place where IMAP can be helpful. I'm guessing that your Seamonkey usage is POP-based. If your existing server supports IMAP, then you can that to get your messages moved.

In this process, one annoyance is that Mozilla mail clients don't allow you to set up POP and IMAP connections on the same user account.

Thus, the route that would go:

1) Back up your user profile first, so that you make sure that you don't lose data if something goes wrong.

2) Move all your messages into the Local Folders part of your mail store. That ensures that your messages are saved locally, and away from your server configurations.

3) Delete the POP connection to the old server.

4) Create a new connection to the old server, using IMAP.

5) Move (or copy) all your messages from Local Folders into the newly-created mailbox. Because IMAP is server-oriented, stuff that you put into IMAP folders will be replicated back to the server.

6) In Outlook, create an IMAP connection to the same server. Once you're able to see the messages, then you can use Outlook to move them into Outlook and the Exchange infrastructure.

Hope this helps.


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