I noticed when I have scrolled down in an e-mail and then open a new tab for another e-mail, then going back to the original tab and it is back to the beginning. Is there a way to stop doing that? I hate losing my spot with tab switching.
"If someone makes you angry, I think the thing to do is tie them down to the ground, cover them in honey, and then release a swarm of killer ants on them. That way, you can hit them over and over again and say, 'Hey! I'm just trying to help!' and they can't really get mad at you." --R.M. Weiner Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
   /\___/\            If crediting, then use Ant nickname and URL/link.
  / /\ /\ \            Axe ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.
 | |o   o| |         http://antfarm.ma.cx / http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
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