The prefs for email images from senders are in the default domain * in the data manager. Look for
chrome://messenger/content/email=xxx in the Permissions tab.

Check Use Default to delete it.


Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Daniel wrote: wrote on 20/11/2018 11:11 AM:
On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 6:09:41 PM UTC-6,
I pooched it, and accidentally set block all message on an email
from one sender.

Now there are never any images from that sender and the option to
show remote images is no longer shown.  I cannot find where to
change or remove my choice.

All suggestions were for thunderbird and those don't exist in the
seamonkey email app.

Is there a way, a setting, or file I can erase, that will again
allow me to chose to view remote content from one sender again?


Sorry Version 2.49.4

Paul, as the e-mail portion of SeaMonkey is based on Thunderbird, I would expect, if it's possible in TB, it would be possible in SM.

My *guess* is that it would be somewhere in the Preferences (Edit->Preferences) or in the Data Manager (Tools->Data Manager).

If not, hopefully someone else will drop by with an answer!!

The global pref is at Edit | Preferences | Mail & Newsgroups | Message Display:
     [x] Block images and other content from remote sources
This is your default preference, the way SM will handle sites for which you don't set a custom pref.

For a particular sender, there are two ways of changing the settings.

The easier way, when available, is to open a message from that sender and hope to see this at the top of the message:
     "To protect your privacy, SeaMonkey has blocked
     remote content in this message. [Options]"
If you're lucky and see that message, click the "Options" button at far right and choose the desired handling. You're done.

If you've inadvertently disabled those notifications, I'm sorry but I don't know how to enable them.

The more complicated way is with the Data Manager, and it applies to whole domains, not specific email addresses.

First, examine the sender's email address and copy only the domain (the part after the "@" sign). Then do Tools | Data Manager and pull down "Permissions only" from the list under "All data types" at the top left. Beneath that, where it says "Search domains," paste the sender's email domain (or type it if you prefer). If you have set a specific permission for that domain regarding remote content, that setting will appear in the list at right as "Load images." Click the desired value at far right, or to reset the domain to your default pref, whatever that may be, check "Use default" at left. To release a default setting (create a custom pref for that domain), uncheck "Use default" and then click the desired value at right. When done, simply close the Data Manager (you don't need to OK out).

If the domain is already set to your default pref for a particular permission, that permission will not be shown.

If the domain is set to your default prefs for /all/ permissions (if you have not set any custom prefs for that domain), the domain will not be shown at all.

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