David E. Ross wrote:
On 2/6/2019 2:38 PM, JAS wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/30/2019 9:03 AM, David H. Durgee wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:

I am encountering a problem where my power company has made changes to
their website and my remembered password is no longer used and I cannot
find a way to get SM 2.49.5 to remember it on the new page.

Given this is it possible for me to manually add or correct the signon
with sqlite tools?  I opened the db with SQLite manager in SM and can
see the entry.  I did NOT attempt to make changes there as I suspect
that would cause problems with SM open.  I assume other SQLite tools
would offer similar capabilities and could be used with SM closed.

In previous versions, if you entered new data for a site where the
Password Manager had remembered your login/password, the PM would prompt
you to update or not. Doesn't it do that anymore?

Failing that, my next fallback would be to go into the PM and delete the
site. Then login and the PM will ask whether to save the data, you
should approve.

I like the old interface:
Enter the site name in the search window to see a short list with only
that word.

I also use the old interface, but the problem is the power company
changed the URL where the username/password are requested and for
whatever reason I cannot get SM to remember this login.  My hope is that
I can copy the existing entry and edit the URL to the new one and have
it used.


Well, I just found out that as best I can tell signons.sqlite is no
longer being used by SM 2.49.5 for password management.  Looking a bit
more it seems that logins.json is where this is now being maintained.

Guess I will have to see if I can edit that file instead to update the
login for this website.


That means the Passwords Manager button -- an extra button for the
Toolbar Buttons extension -- will no longer work.  I use it frequently
for updating my passwords, something I do for security.  It appears that
I will not be updating SeaMonkey.

Is the Passwords Manager button something you created or was it once a
button listed for the PreBar tool bar?

Neither.  It is an extra button for the Toolbar Buttons extension.  The
extension can be dlowloaded from
<https://codefisher.org/toolbar_button/>.  However, you must then
download the Password Manager button from the list at

Can a button be made to add to PrefBar to add the Password to PrefBar?
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