On 2/20/19 4:59 PM, Ant wrote:

Is it me or does SeaMonkey v2.49.4 web browser not support *.webp images like in https://www.download.hr/forum/threads/music-player-pro-4-free.17495/ web page? I tried to view/open its https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/e1Zc893Ww5j28-0lVXj6aiLroODCF5wE64ek0BiC19ffaEIIujA9gDF7WskBImHZ0A=w360-h220-rw directly, but it asked me to what to do with it. :( Firefox v65.0.1 had no problems, but IE11 did (broken images) so I assume it is the old web browsers.

Thank you for reading and hopefully answering. :)

SeaMonkey probably doesn't support the WebP image format which was added to Firefox 65.0.

"Improved performance and web compatibility, with support for the WebP image format: WebP brings the same image quality as existing formats at smaller file sizes, which saves bandwidth and speeds up page load."

REF: <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/65.0/releasenotes/>

OS: Linux Mint 19.1 - Cinnamon Desktop

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