JAS wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
JAS wrote:
Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Have not seen this one before. I would update to 2.49.4 first. 2.48 is ancient. Backup you profile before.


JAS wrote:
I am using SM 2.48 on Windows 7, lately when I click an item to "save as" in Foxit PDF or just a download or photo my Seamonkey quits responding and I finally have to click the option to shutdown. I listed the last two crashes: http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-7ef883f8-b045-4ee8-8cda-584160190324

Any idea where to look for a resolution?
I installed the SM 2.49.4 version and will see what happens. After installing I tried to install the Lightning 5.4 and it will not install, just has no progress when I click install--this happens with any extension I try to install. In preference I have allow software to install-it worked before. Is there a setting in about:config?

It appears there is no progress, but the extension installed for me.

This basically a new profile, since I only have SM installed for minimal support.
In safe mode it installed immediately so I must have a extension that is interfering -- now to find which one by trial and error.
It was MR Tech Toolkit extension that I had installed a long time ago.
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