Nuno Silva wrote:
On 2019-05-19, Tom Pamin wrote:

Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
Tom Pamin wrote:
Tom Pamin wrote:
Tom Pamin wrote:
Tom Pamin wrote:

I'm not seeing the images to select for the I Am Not A Robot
authorizations. Just a blank square. It works fine with IE. Ideas?

I just tried SM in Safe Mode. Still no images showing.
I'll try my other PC's in the next couple days. Does seem strange that
all other images on SM display fine, except for those Captcha ones.

Only one PC out of my 5 has the robot problem. Any ideas what I can
compare to see why this one PC is different?

Make sure that block images from remote sources is not checked.
Reset your DNS device (router, etc) and then try.
Turn off AV and fire wall and try.
The list is long with lots of things to try.

I see block images under email, but is it under the browser prefs too?
So far nothing has worked.

That's probably "Image Acceptance Policy" (preferences window, "Privacy
& Security" -> "Images"), which can be set to block third-party/remote

Images from specific sources could also be blocked:

There might be a better way to do this, but check the "Page Info" for
the problematic page (ctrl+I or context menu->"View Page Info"). The
"Media" tab has a list of items in the page, see if the missing images
are there and if the "block images from [hostname]..."  checkbox is

That solved it! Finally. Under the Media tab I had the box
checked to block images from No idea why, but that fixed it. It now works on a 2nd site too. Thanks a lot!
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