Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> I recently change my hosting company, and "lost" a couple of accounts in
> the process. They're not really gone, it's just that SM doesn't display
> them. Here's what I did; I hope you can tell me how to unhide them.
> During the period of overlap, when both hosting companies were active
> and operating normally, I kept my existing mail accounts untouched and
> created parallel new ones with the same email addresses but different
> account names and different server data. This way I could poll both
> servers and catch stray messages from the old server while also
> retrieving messages received on the new server. When DNS was updated,
> most of the messages started showing up in the new email accounts. So
> the list looked like this:
> "Username1" <> (old server settings)
> "Username2" <> (old server settings)
> "Username1 new" <> (new server settings)
> "Username2 new" <> (new server settings)
> That worked fine.
> This morning, seeing that almost all my mail was now showing up in the
> "Username1 new" and "Username2 new" accounts, I decided to transpose the
> server settings so my mail would be received in the "Username1" and
> "Username2" accounts where all my folders are located and all my mail
> filters apply. If a couple of stragglers show up in the revised
> "Username1 new" and "Username2 new" accounts (which now have the old
> server settings), I can easily drag and drop them to the correct
> folders, and eventually delete these old accounts.
> Well, on restarting SeaMonkey, I saw only:
> "Username1" <> (new server settings)
> "Username2" <> (new server settings)
> The other two accounts had vanished. However, I can still see them in
> the profile folder in Windows Explorer, and when I open their Inboxes
> with Notepad I can see their contents (a couple of stray messages that I
> would like to save).
> How can I get SeaMonkey to recognize and display the other two accounts?
> It doesn't matter a lot -- I can still view the messages on the old
> host's webmail -- but I'd still like to be able to keep them until I'm
> good and ready to delete them by my own choice.
> Thanks.

If these were POP accounts in SeaMonkey and you just want to recover
"folders" like inbox, sent, etc.

With Seamonkey closed go to your profile directory and under 'Mail'
directory will be your old server account directories, e.g.
'', ''.  In that directory will be mail
folder mbox files (files with no extension).

So for example if you want to recover the inbox for ''
and have it accessible to '' then in
'' make a copy of 'Inbox' and rename it something like
'OldInbox'. Then move it to '' directory.

(I suggest copying the original so if you make a mistake you will not
lose your data. Once you have recovered what you want you can delete
'' directory)

When you start SeaMonkey mail you will see a new mail folder 'OldInbox'
in the new account. You can drag individual messages to file them in
whatever folders you wish for final organization.

If the mail folder to recover was a subfolder in the old account you
have to dig a little deeper. E.g., mail folder 'SomeBaseFolder' >
'SomeSubFolder' You first will see a directory named SomeBaseFolder.shd
and in that you will find the mbox file 'SomeSubFolder' and you can use
the above procedure to recover messages.

Take care,

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