Ant wrote:
YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. are still slow and taking up a lot of RAM with multiple tabs in my decade old 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC (6 GB of RAM, 2 SATA HDDs, etc.).

I would say this is expected.
Those "big" sites will fire up so many http connections, bandwidth hogs and JavaScript loops, that it's a wonder they run at all. Plus I hope you don't have video autostart enabnled.

Some ways forward

1. Switch to Linux (I'd expect RAM usage to drop from around 5.9G [with heavy paging] to around 1.9G without paging), JavaScript will be slightly faster, but this won't fix bandwidth. Not sure Win7 is even covered by security policy.

2. Install NoScript classic. This will block a huge amount of ad related JavaScript and prevent a huge number of http connections.

3. Might be worth doing some system profiling, check if the CPU, RAM, Disk I/O and Network bandwidth is really being used by the web browser, or by something else, e.g. use Resource Manager in Win7

Gerry Hickman (London UK)
support-seamonkey mailing list

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