On 3/6/2020 12:16 PM, Yamo' wrote:

Ant a tapoté le 06/03/2020 19:15:

I just had my very first crash in v2.53.1 while opening a couple new web
site tabs. I shared my report and restarted SeaMonkey v2.53.1. I went to
its about:crashes web page, but its report ID link doesn't work and its
URL shows http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/about/throttling. Is anyone
else having this problem too if you shared your crash reports? :(

What's up? Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)

My about:crashes work. But my only crash with 2.53.1 is a little old :


Yeah, yours was submitted before v2.53.1. Here's mine:

Unsubmitted Crash Reports
Report ID       Date Crashed
        3/6/2020        10:03 AM
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