jcteyssi...@gmail.com wrote:
Le samedi 11 avril 2020 12:56:00 UTC+2, jctey...@gmail.com a écrit :
Hello group,

since switch from 2.149.5 to 2.53.1 official, i have a strange behavior in 
Clicking on a folder (say inbox) does not show the folder content: i have first to 
click on mail account (say: mymail<at>myprovider.com) then on folder to see it.
My profile is on on NAS so i accessed it from two computers (not 
simultaneously, of course)
I have 3 mail account and follows news.mozzila.org / m.s.seamonkey two.
All same problem.

What i can say (and suspect this is the root cause) is :
Before switching from 2.49.25 to 2.53.1 on computer "A", i made a copy of my 
profile on NAS.
Then i remove 2.49.5, install 2.53.1 and point at NAS profile(editing 
profiles.ini with text editor).
I think the problem starts when i open computer "B" and forget to migrate from 
2.49.5 to 2.53.1: i open Seamonkey and i get the message of profile migration.
Returning on computer "A " is OK. Since this; i have both computers with 
Seamonkey 2.53.1 so this specific problem will not occur any more.
But now i still have the strange behavior described a begin of this message.

Does any one knows how to fix it? I do not want restore from my copy of 2.49.5 
profile because i will lost emails from this date, new bookmarks and new 
passwords stored.

Jean-Charles, from France

Forgot: win 10 pro on both computers.

Lightbird 0.7.1 usually seems to cause it.

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