NFN Smith wrote, on 07 Apr 20 11:42:

xxyyz wrote:

I have SM 2.49.5 32 bit on WXP and 64 bit on W7, and have been
synching them by copying the Mozilla folders (C:\Documents and
Settings\username\Mozilla on WXP, C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming
\Mozilla on W7) to and fro, with no problems.

If I put SM 2.53.1 64 bit on the W7 machine, will I still be able
to do this?

If you're doing this kind of activity to allow you to have your mail on more than one machine, you really need to move to IMAP, where your mail is stored on the server.  Even if it is technically possible to copy your profiles back and forth between two machines, Seamonkey was never designed to work that way.  Conversely, IMAP is designed this kind of condition.

I have a similar setup, with one important difference: Both OS's (WXP & W7) are on separate partitions on dual-boot one disk, and I have SM and FF on both, with just one profile (on a non-standard location) for each 'set' (one for both SM's, one for both FF's . I also periodically copy select data from one set to the other, but that's secondary here).

Considering other points in this thread, this setup is not just "to have [my] mail on more than one machine", but much more: To have a seamless browser/email experience on the two OS's (because I use each one for different purposes, but want to have that possibility). Also, this setup uses SM 2.49.5 and FF ESR 52.7.4 and is expected to 'stop there', since I have dozens of AddOns I want to keep using, and most of them will no longer work on newer releases (yes, even SM 2.53).

When I first implemented this, I knew that some files in the Profile used 'physical' addresses but, since the Profile would be accessed by any OS in any order, I hoped that SM/FF would automatically handle this (a behavior I noticed during tries towards this setup), and it seems to work flawlessly (except for a few Extensions) so far.

The statement that "SeaMonkey was never designed to work that way" brought this back for me, since I also imagined that this was true, but see that nevertheless it DOES "work that way" for me -- and, since I have never seen any information about this, I'd like to know if anyone can furnish any, and warn of any potential problems with this setup.


s) alexyu   <>

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