Ray_Net wrote:
Daniel wrote on 19-06-20 06:42:
Steve Wendt wrote on 18/06/2020 4:32 AM:
On 6/17/2020 4:50 AM, Gunther Nikl wrote:

Maybe my (ancient :-) client cached the post?

Does your SeaMonkey/1.1.19 show the post from Ant with subject "Missing newsgroup posts" in this thread?  If so, that does point to a bug in newer versions.

"SeaMonkey/1.1.19"!! WOW!! I thought there *MUST* have been a typo crept in there somehow .... but, sure enough, that's what Gunther's UA shows!!

His user agent is:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100228 NOT Firefox/2.0 SeaMonkey/1.1.19

Looks like a VERY VERY OLD "override" because we see : Firefox 2.0 :-)

Windows NT 6.2 is the original Windows 8, not 8.1 (which is NT 6.3).

spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
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